Monday 14 September 2015

San Ignacio, Argentina

Aug 31-Sept 2

The journey to San Ignacio was soo long that we camped 'en route' (behind a servo in the middle of nowhere!) to break up the drive. An 11 year old called Fernando came to join us, kicking around a soccer ball and scoring a free meal. I attempted to test out my Spanish, but Argentinian accents are not easy to understand! 

Another long drive the following day landed us in San Ignacio. I had been sick on and off for about 2 weeks and it had gotten worse, so I decided it was time to go see a doctor. Turns out I'm up to parasite #3 now! Hurruh!

With drugs to keep me going, Bini and I visited the San Ignacio ruins, built in 1610 by the Jesuits and moved twice before settling in it's current location in 1969. Really nice to walk around. Not much else to do in San Ignacio.

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