Monday 14 September 2015

Salta, Argentina

Aug 28-31

Argentina: the land of steak and wine!

The Argentinian border proved to be by far the most difficult one if have had yet.. But after a lot of drama I finally made it into the country and noticed the wealth change dramatically. Argentina almost seems like a first world country in comparison to Bolivia; fancy cars, real toilets, clean buildings. 

We stopped en route to have a look at the 'mountain of seven colours.' Pretty!
Our hostel was out in the middle of nowhere (a half hour bus into town!) but it's excellent character made up for its poor location. We spent our first night enjoying an incredible Argentinian BBQ and drinking til the wee hours...

A lazy morning laying in the sun energised us for a day of exploring. I wandered around town, admiring the many picturesque churches and plazas. A quick browse through the markets and shops was enough to satisfy my retail therapy; everything was still quite similar to the rest of South America. 
Late in the afternoon I jumped into a cable car, taking me to the top of a little mountain with a view over the whole town. Salta is surrounded by mountains, so it is quite picturesque. However, the sun glaring into my eyes was making photos a challenge. 
We all met up for steak and wine. Amazing steak. Still not yet a fan of wine...

The following day was a very relaxing day. We drove to the Sayta Ranch where Some of the others went horse riding but I spent most of the morning lying in the sun, reading my book and dozing off.
We had an incredible BBQ feast for lunch, where the meat just kept coming and coming. It may have been the most delicious (and HUGE) meal I have ever had. Naturally, we continued to lie in the sun all afternoon. Thank god we're back in Summer weather.

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