Sunday 12 July 2015

San Juan del Sur...take two!

July 3-6

We had so much fun in San Juan we decided to do another weekend there before heading into Costa Rica. 

The first afternoon back in San Juan, Seth and I walked up to a viewpoint. It was sunshine and blue skies when we started walking, but of course just as we reached the top it started to pour with rain. Intense horizontal rain with fierce wind. Picturesque!


Just as we left the viewpoint it stopped raining and the clear skies reappeared. Loco tiempo!!

In the evening we played some drinking games by the pool before heading to the Pacha Mamas bar for a repeat of the previous Friday night. Fun night!

Saturday was spent at Playa Hermosa, known to be one of the nicest beaches in the area. It was also where many seasons of Survivor were filmed! Beautiful beach, accompanied by many hammocks and a nice bar to chill out at.

Seth, Nick and Jake went out for a surf while the rest of us entertained ourselves with various spontaneous ball games and walks along the beach.


Naturally, we chilled out on Saturday night in preparation for Sunday....


Equally as fun, memories equally as hazy.

Much like the last week, we began the morning by the pool at Casa de Olas. There were games, bets and many people being pushed in the pool.


Then into town for another pool party.. At some point Seth cut his foot on the pavement and there was a fair amount of blood. A friendly backpacker told us he had a first aid kit and took us back to his hostel, where he bandaged it up well enough to last the rest of the day & night! What a champ!

After Naked Tiger, we ended up back in town at a bar on the beach... Lots of fun and a little bit of craziness ensued...!

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