Tuesday 14 July 2015

Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica

July 10-13

Manuel Antonio. Otherwise known as paradise. I'm a little bit in love with this place. 

Manuel Antonio is a picturesque little town on the pacific coast, surrounded by jungle and mountains. Even the drive to Manuel Antonio was spectacular. We passed some amazing views and went over a river infested with crocodiles! 

When we arrived we explored the town, went for a run on the beach and chilled out by the pool for most of the afternoon. 

Early the next day we went into the national park - hoping to see sloths again!! Like magic, one appeared about 30 seconds after we entered the park!!! He was just chilling on his branch, but eventually woke up to smile for the camera! Made my day.

We also saw a deer casually strolling across the path. We spotted lots of howler monkeys and capuchin white-faced monkeys. 

There were also crabs, bats, lizards, frogs, spiders and loads of other insects. 


Inside the national park there is a beautiful beach, where we relaxed for a few hours. 

There are loads of monkeys by the beach. The white-faced monkeys are super sneaky scavengers. I saw one lady throw it a biscuit. A guide quickly informed her this was a bad idea, but within a few seconds the monkey had crept up behind her and snatched the food out of her hand!! Hilarious. 

After swimming and relaxing we followed a path through the park, along the coast, to get some scenic views. 

Along the way we found even more monkeys! 

On the way back past the beach we found a spot where the waves hit the rocks, making a great photo op!

An amazing day.

For our last day in Manuel Antonio we organised a catamaran boat trip. This was a little disappointing, as it wasn't quite how it had been advertised to us. We were told that we'd cruise around and get some scenic views (which we did) that we'd probably see dolphins and whales (we saw dolphins but later found out it's not the season for whales) 

...that we'd go snorkelling to see amazing colourful fish (there were NO fish) and that unlimited drinks were included (only very weak rum punch) Another downer was that I got really motion sick, so spent a large part of the day lying on the deck, trying not to vomit.

Cheers to that!

At least the boat had a cool slide.

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