Tuesday 25 August 2015

Cuzco, Peru (one last time!)

Aug 15-17

Sleep-deprived and aching all over, we arrived back in Cuzco with the 24 hour challenge set: stay awake (partying) for 24 hours from when you awoke. We got up at 4am..so it was going to be a serious challenge. A group of us headed out to dinner and exchanged stories from our hiking adventures. For roughly $8 we got a starter a main and two drinks! What a deal! Then we headed out to celebrate our achievements and believe it or not a small group of us lasted until 5.30am, outdoing the 24 hour challenge!

Laura knocked on our door and forced us out of bed to enjoy our only day in Cuzco. We ate an enormous and delicious breakfast and then set off to do some shopping. Laura quickly shuffled us into a shop where the ladies covered us in ridiculous and amazing Peruvian clothing. A photoshoot then ensued, where random tourists even asked to have a few pics with us! Laura bought just about everything in the shop (seriously...11 scarves, probably about 9 jumpers, a million baby clothes...out of control!)
Bini and I wandered around Cuzco, admiring the endless parade in the main square which was celebrating the "'birthday of the Cuzco flag" apparently. It went on for hours and hours. I even joined in at one point!
There were also lots of women and children carrying arround animals, which you could pay to have a photo with. I got sucked in.. Alpaca!!!
To reward ourselves for all our hard work, Racheal and I got a massage! And owwww, it hurt when she got to my calves! But just what we needed.

It's a shame I didn't have more time to explore Cuzco cos from what I've seen I really like it!

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