Thursday 11 June 2015

Weekend fun in Antigua

June 5-7

Between my two weeks of Spanish lessons I had an action-packed weekend in Antigua...

On Friday I met up with Seth (from Oz), Dave & Sahil (from the UK) who I'd met in Rio Dulce. We invited them along to our 'fiesta'! The apartment I am living in has a lovely little terrace, perfect for a party. We made a punch (or 'jungle juice' according to the Americans) by combining allllll the alcohols we could possibly find. 

We squeezed about 10 of us (including our 'host mum & dad') onto the terrace and played many drinking games. Afterwards we went to a bar that had a 'secret afterparty' going after 1am- when all the bars are legally meant to close. However, we were too loud so they kicked us out by about 1.30!

On Saturday the champions league football final was on: Barcelona v Juventus. This was a huge event in Antigua, as everyone is obsessed with Barcelona FC. We went to the local Irish pub to watch the game. Seth had put a bet on Barcelona to win 2-1. Right at the end, when the score was 2-1, he began to celebrate....and then of course Barcelona scored another goal at the very last second!! Unlucky. By the end of the game it was pouring with rain so Kenzie and I hibernated indoors and watched a movie.

Sunday morning we were meant to hike Volcan Pacaya, one of Guatemala's most active volcanoes. However, there was a wee mix up with the location and we ended up having to go in the afternoon - not ideal, as it generally pours with rain most afternoons. We were incredibly lucky...It somehow stayed dry! 

The hike was not nearly as difficult as I expected. It was about 2/2.5 hours all up, walking from a little village all the way to the base of the volcano and back again. We got a fantastic view of the volcano and when the skies were clear you could very clearly see smoke coming out. 

It is so hot underground that there were a few spots where you could toast marshmallows using the natural heat. Apparently they also use this heat to generate electricity! Pretty cool! 

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